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Tippy Tap: The abomination that is Tippy Tap is a terrifying clown with features of Night-Marion (Five Nights at Freddy's 4). This enemy comes after you once you have a sanity level under 35%. You will instantly know that you're probably screwed because Tippy Tap makes creepy tapping sounds. If Tippy Tap reches you, you are dead. You can only avoiud it by keeping your sanity up and running fast.

Ryno: Ryno is a pusher, it comes after you all thetime, but is only in certain acts (levels), Depending on the act, it will change it's appearance. Ryno has bad hearing, so it can only see you, Ryno is smart so if it sees you, it will be hard to shake, or hide. Ryne is two times as slow as the player, it also has circular saws for hands and is very tall. Ryno will also try to cut you off if it has chased you for long enough.

Bone Harvester: Bone Harvester is a big, bulky charger with two legs, this creature comes out if your sanity is below 85% and will run out of dark places and try to hurt the character, lowering the health by 50% to make him scream (Because if the player takes too much damage, th character screams alerting other stuff. blah blah blah... Added 1/08/2023). You can avoid it by using a flash light and keeping sanity above 85%.

Monsters I just shought of: Ring master (Boss thing that controls

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all other enemies), Hounds (Like CoD Zombies dogs), Shadow dude (Comes out if sanity is above 90%), Zombies, Souls.

Gameplay/Mechanics: For the gameplay and mechanics section, I will split them into two seprate catagories.

Mechanics: On the screen HUD you will see: Sanity meter, HP (100), Stamina, Noise meter and Hidden indicator.

Sanity: Sanity is a mechanic that gets lower over times and can be affected by monsters, if kept above 90%, Shadow people come out to try and lower it, if under 85%, the Bone Harvester will start to appear, If under 65%, you will start seeing things that aren't therem causing the character to scream, alerting monsters, it gets worse the more sanity you lose, if under 25%, Tippy Tap comes out to play, if you have no sanity, you can't control the character and he will run around looking for a way to kill himself.

Hp: Hp stands for health points and it is just a way to determine the amount of hits you can take before dying.

Stamina: Stamina is the energy of the player. If you run or jump, it depletes the stamina. You can gain it back by waiting, but if you crouch it comes back faster.

Noise meter: The Noise meter is a bar that goes up and down, the