10/10 2022
The game about "Merging blocks"

This "game" would be in the same catagory as portal, a pizzle game with unique mechanics that are easy to learn but if used correctly can be very difficult to understand. The first main mechanic of the game being merging objects is as said. Like merging blue and red paint gets purple, merging one type of one of object with another gets you a new type with an ability of sorts, except purple paint has no ability.

Whats happening here is that one object with an ability (To be determined) is being fused with another type of object with an ability to make "Climable Object." The abilities/powers that an object can posess are not yet all thought of, but the ones that i can think of currently consist of the following: Climable, Wall run,

10/10 2022
The game about "Merging blocks"

Bouncy, Portal, Grapple and Elevator blocks. Now don't worry, you will be able to seperate objects (leading on to the second main mechanic) using the (drumroll.......) TBD! I haven't got a name for it yet. The TBD's the first gadget you get in the game all it does is merge and seperate. WOO!! Well for now.

Developement starting most likely next year.


3/05 2023

Hey, i'm back, after around 4 months... (5 actually. Added 7/06/2023) but who cares, i'm back!

So, I had a break because i was bored and busy, but i will give the book more attention. So i figured that the "TBD!" needs a better name, so i'll call it the "Portal gu- wait... no, the "Split gun" That's the name, i'm not sure of what else to add so lets work on the split gun.

Design: I is more of a glove but i'll change it to a gun..